Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Special Dedication

Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

When you become Miss State, it is one of the greatest things to ever happen to a young girl who has dreamed of being Miss America. But, it is so important to remember that there will be people who want to say they helped you, or want to say they are your friend, but you know they aren't. As Miss State you have to be so careful as to who you let in your "bubble." I'm so lucky to say that I have a wonderful group of individuals who have been there before the crown. So I'm dedicating this blog to them. The certain number of individuals who have been everything to me. My Family.

First, Rosanna Consalvo Sarto and the entire Columbus Day and Bonnie Blue Foundation. You have become my family, and a truly wonderful group of individuals. Thanks to your guidance and advice, I was able to achieve my dream of becoming Miss New Jersey. Thank you for everything.

To Linda, my superwoman, trainer, and best friend--Thank you for kicking my butt, and truly always pushing me for 4 years! You are an inspiration to me, and have become like family to me. You may not realize it, but you have changed my life. I am a better woman because of you!

To my best friends--Kristin, Kristy, Alex, Rachel, Kate, Kevin, Jeanette, Lauren, Denise, Peter, Brett, Mark and everyone else who I text, BBM, and/or Facebook on a semi-daily, weekly basis, thank you for touching my life, and your continued love and support. You have been there before the crown, and I love you all for believing in my crazy dreams!

To my wonderful family, thank you for always supporting me and always believing in me. You may not have always understood my dream, but you loved me unconditionally. Words can never describe how much I love you, and I'm forever grateful to be blessed with your presence in my life.

*A special note to a woman who wanted me to walk on the Miss America stage, and for whom I dedicated my work with my platform. Francis Buongiorno, my grandmother. She always knew I would do great things with my life, so now I am doing great things for her! (she passed in 2003, so there are no recent photos of me, but I know she is smiling down on me everyday I wear the crown)

To my sister and best friend, and the woman I admire so much--Words will never be enough for me to thank you for being the greatest sister! You have always taken care of me, and shown me endless support and love, even when I'm the biggest brat in the world. You have been the greatest role model someone could ask for. Your beauty, brains, and strength are incredible, and you deserve the world. I love you more than you will ever know!

This final section, is dedicated to the two people who have to deal with me Day-in and Day-out. Who have yet to throw me out, even through my moods and attitude. Who pick me up when I fall, who still feed me, who know what I look like in the morning, who still give me money if I need it, and never stop loving me for being me! Crown or no crown, they have always believed in my abilities without falter. They were honest, but kind and have shaped me into a woman.

Beyond pageantry and the endless amount of time they have dedicated to help me become Miss New Jersey, they know me for me. All the time I yell at the TV when the Giants aren't playing well, my converse sneakers and ripped jeans vs. heels and Sherri Hill evening gowns, the endless amount of gum I chew, and the fact that I still break out in zits! They never stopped teaching me that a lady's real beauty comes from the heart, and having love in your life, you can move mountains! They are my rock. I certainly would be here without them, literally. But, they have made me Miss New Jersey, but more importantly a better woman. I love you, Mom & Dad, more than you will ever know!

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